أسمنت بورتلاندي مقاوم للكبريتات

 أسمنت بورتلاندي مقاوم للكبريتات 




الطوابق السفلية، أنظمة الصرف الصحي، بناء السدود والجسور، صناعة الأنابيب الخرسانية

 المعايير المتبعة  

طبقاً للمواصفات السعودية SASO-GSO 1914/2009(Type V)

طبقاً للمواصفات الأمريكية ASTM C-150M-2021(Type V)

طبقاُ للمواصفات الأوروبية  BS EN 197-1:2011 CEM I 52.5N SR3


 Our Sulfate Resistant Cement (SRC, Type V) is used primarily for concrete foundations where concrete is exposed to soil and groundwater with high sulfate content. In terms of demand, this is the second most demanded product in the kingdom. Our SRC provides greater resistance to sulfate attack and exhibits lower heat generation without compromising on strength. Our SRC conforms to SASO-GSO 1914/2009(Type V), ASTM C-150M-2021(Type V), and BS EN 197-1:2011 CEM I 52.5N SR3. Special features of our SRC: High Strength which is comparable to OPC, can be used in a moist environment, and high resistance to sulfate attack due to the low content of gypsum.